
From Cormyrean Prophecies

This template is intended to provide uniform formatting of spells. It should be used at the top of a spell article.

{{#if: | [[image:{{{icon}}}|right|Spell]] }}{{

  1. if: |

}}{{#if: |

}}Spell level: {{

  1. if: |bard {{{bardlevel}}}{{#if: |; }} }}{{
  2. if: |cleric {{{clericlevel}}}{{#if: |; }} }}{{
  3. if: |druid {{{druidlevel}}}{{#if: |; }} }}{{
  4. if: |paladin {{{paladinlevel}}}{{#if: |; }} }}{{
  5. if: |ranger {{{rangerlevel}}}{{#if: |; }} }}{{
  6. if: |sorcerer/wizard {{{magelevel}}}{{#if: |; }} }}{{
  7. if: |cleric with [[{{{domain}}} domain]] {{{domainlevel}}}{{#if: |, [[{{{domain2}}} domain]] {{{domain2level}}}{{#if: |, [[{{{domain3}}} domain]] {{{domain3level}}}{{#if: |, [[{{{domain4}}} domain]] {{{domain4level}}} }} }} }} }}

Innate level: {{{innatelevel}}}{{#ifeq: {{{magelevel}}} | epic | |
School: {{{school}}} }}{{#if: |
Descriptor: {{{immunity}}} }}
Components: {{#switch: | VS = verbal, somatic | V-S- = verbal, somatic | V = verbal | S = somatic | none }}
Range: {{

  1. ifeq: {{{range}}} | p | на себя |{{
  2. ifeq: {{{range}}} | t | прикосновение |{{
  3. ifeq: {{{range}}} | s | малая (8 метров) |{{
  4. ifeq: {{{range}}} | m | средняя (20 метров) |{{
  5. ifeq: {{{range}}} | l | высокая (40 метров) |{{
  6. ifeq: {{{range}}} |l*m| long (40 meters) medium (20 meters) |{{{range}}} }} }} }} }} }} }}

Area of effect: {{

  1. ifeq: {{{area}}} | small | малый (радиус 1.67 метра) |{{
  2. ifeq: {{{area}}} | medium | средний (радиус 3.33 метра) |{{
  3. ifeq: {{{area}}} | large | большой (радиус 5 метров) |{{
  4. ifeq: {{{area}}} | huge | огромный (радиус 6.67 метров) |{{
  5. ifeq: {{{area}}} | gargantuan | гигантский (радиус 8.33 метров) |{{
  6. ifeq: {{{area}}} | colossal | колоссальный (радиус 10 метров) |{{
  7. ifeq: {{{area}}} | spellcone | конус {{#if: 10 | 10 |10}} метров |{{
  8. ifeq: {{{area}}} | aura | {{#if: 10 | 10 | 4}} метров |{{{area}}} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }}

Duration: {{{duration}}}
Save: none
Spell resistance: {{#ifeq: | yes | yes | {{#ifeq: | yes* | yes no | no }} }}{{

  1. if: |

Additional counterspells: {{{counters}}} }}

Description: {{{desc}}}{{

  1. ifeq: {{{magelevel}}} | epic |

    Special: Epic spells are not affected by arcane spell failure from armor, nor can they be interrupted, countered, or dispelled.{{
  2. if: |
    Spellcraft prerequisite: {{{spellcraft}}} }} }}

Parameters for this template are

  • Spell levels:
    • bardlevel — The level of this spell when cast by a bard. Optional
    • clericlevel — The level of this spell when cast by a cleric. Optional
    • druidlevel — The level of this spell when cast by a druid. Optional
    • paladinlevel — The level of this spell when cast by a paladin. Optional
    • rangerlevel — The level of this spell when cast by a ranger. Optional
    • magelevel — The level of this spell when cast by a sorcerer or wizard. Optional
    • domain — The clerical domain that grants access to this spell. Optional
    • domainlevel — The level of this spell when granted by this domain. Required if domain is specified
    • domain2 — A second clerical domain that grants access to this spell. Optional
    • domain2level — The level of this spell when granted by the second domain. Required if domain2 is specified
    • domain3 — A third clerical domain that grants access to this spell. Optional
    • domain3level — The level of this spell when granted by the third domain. Required if domain3 is specified
    • domain4 — A fourth clerical domain that grants access to this spell. Optional
    • domain4level — The level of this spell when granted by the fourth domain. Required if domain4 is specified
    • innatelevel — The innate level of this spell.
  • area — The area affected by this spell. The values "small", "medium", "large", "huge", "gargantuan", "colossal", and "spellcone" should be used when appropriate.
    • areanote — Additional information about the area of effect (e.g. a limit on the number of targets in a colossal area). Optional
    • conesize — This can override the default length of "10" for spell cones.
  • components — "V", "S", or "VS" indicating the components this spell utilizes. Optional
  • counters — Additional counterspells, preferably linked. Optional
  • duration — The duration of the spell.
  • immunity — The descriptor (immunity type) of this spell. Optional
  • range — "p", "t", "s", "m", or "l" indicating the range of the spell.
  • save — The save allowed for this spell, preferably linked. Optional
  • school — The spell school of this spell, preferably linked.
  • spellcraft — The spellcraft requirement (for epic spells). Optional, epic only
  • spellresistance — Should be "yes" if spell resistance can bock this spell. Should be "yes*" if the BioWare description says spell resistance can block this spell, but it does not actually do so. Optional
  • Lines of spells:
    • line — a name for the spell line this spell belongs to. Optional, but if not set then line0 through line9 are ignored
    • line0 through line9 — names of spells (not linked) that are considered in the same "line" of spells as the current spell. Use the parameter corresponding to the spell's innate level. Include the current spell. Optional, but some should be used if "line" is set
    • linebreach — set this (to "yes") to get a table for the breach line of spells. (This is a hack to accommodate disjunction having two spell lines.) Optional
  • desc — The spell's in-game description.
  • icon — The name of the image (icon) for this spell. Optional