
From Cormyrean Prophecies

Passive feats[edit | edit source]

Feat Changes/New requirements Notes
Epic dodge 25 DEX, 14 Tumble, Improved Evasion, Defensive Roll
Arcane defense(Abjuration) +4 DC against dispel
Spell focus(Abjuration) +1 DC to dispel attack roll stacks with same focuses
Greater spell focus(Abjuration) +2 DC to dispel attack roll stacks with same focuses
Epic spell focus(Abjuration) +3 DC to dispel attack roll stacks with same focuses
Ancient armor (Archmage's feat) Provides WIS_mod based bonuses to AC (natural). Working only if

character equipped robe and don't have a shield. Equivalent of Monks AC.

If character has 38 bard adds extra AC equals CHA_mod.

Toughness 2 bonus hit points per level available only in the fameshop
Familiar disabled
Improve expertise doesn't work if CHA_mod or WIS_mod >= 15
Devastating critical If target's fortitude < DC then failing save will cause death,

else if failing save will cause magic damage equal 50% of max target's HP

and blindness 1 round duration

Vorpal If failing save will cause magic damage equal 50% of max target's HP
Improved two-weapon fighting if character has melee weapon in left hand and Improved two-weapon fighting feat

he receives Shield AC = char_lvl / 10.

no AC if character has

monk_lvl > 2 or

has Ancient Armor feat

Active feats[edit | edit source]

Feat Requirements Effect Duration Notes Uses per day
Barbarian Rage Barbarian (level 1) No short description. Follow the link in the Feat column. (barb_level / 2 + CON_mod) rounds Undispelable +1 per 4 barbarian levels
Bard Song Bard (level 1) No short description. Follow the link in the Feat column. 10 rounds (100 rounds with Lasting Inspiration feat) Undispelable equal bard level
Curse Song Bard (level 3) No short description. Follow the link in the Feat column. 10 rounds (100 rounds with Lasting Inspiration feat) Undispelable equal bard level
Dark Strength Blackguard (level 2) +4 STR, +2 AB. If STR > DEX then AB = 2 + Blackguard_lvl / 8 1 turn * CHA_mod Undispelable 3
Evil Blight Blackguard (level 5) No short description. Follow the link in the Requirements column. 50 rounds Undispelable, cooldown 30 rounds unlimited
Divine Might 13 STR, 13 CHA,

Power Attack, Turn Undead

+Divine damage equal your CHA_mod CHA_mod * 2 rounds 3 + CHA_mod
Divine Shield 13 STR, 13 CHA,

Power Attack, Turn Undead

+DODGE AC equal CHA_mod. If character has any Two-handed weapon

epic focus then +SHIELD AC. Don't stack with Heroic Shield

CHA_mod * 2 rounds Gives only dodge AC:

1. if DEX>=20 and build has >=30 bard


2. Character has Monk AC Bonus or

Ancient Armor feats.

3 + CHA_mod
Divine Wrath Champion of Torm (level 3) +1 AB for every 3 CoT levels and +1 AB for every 5 CHA_mod.

-2 AB If CoT level >=11 and character has RDD levels.

CHA_mod * 3 rounds Undispelable 5
Dwarven King's Power Dwarven Defender (level 1)


+AB equal DD_lvl / 4, +Negative damage equal DD_lvl / 2, also

DD gains -2 to the threat range

until next rest Undispelable, Don't stack with

Dwarven Legacy and

Dwarven Defense

Dwarven Legacy Dwarven Defender (level 1)


+AB equal DD_lvl / 6, +Negative damage equal DD_lvl / 3, also

DD gains +2 to the threat range

until next rest Undispelable, Don't stack with

Dwarven King's Power and

Dwarven Defense

Dwarven Defense Dwarven Defender (level 1)


DD gains damage immunity equal DD_lvl % to all damage types. until next rest Undispelable, Don't stack with

Dwarven King's Power and

Dwarven Legacy

Heroic Might Harper Scout (level 4) +Magic damage equal STR_mod / 2 STR_mod * 2 rounds Undispelable 5
Heroic Shield Harper Scout (level 4) +Dodge AC equal Harper Scout_lvl. Replaces Divine Shield effects. STR_mod * 2 rounds Undispelable,

Does not work if DEX>=20.

Heroic Power Harper Scout (level 3) Bard +3AB, Fighter +4AB, Ranger +3AB, Paladin +3AB. Only half of the

lesser of these bonuses if the build contains 2+ specified classes

STR_mod * 2 rounds Undispelable 5
Clairvoyance Harper Scout (level 3) +20 to Listen and Spot STR_mod * 2 rounds Undispelable 5
Ancient Improved Invisibility Harper Scout (level 5) 40% Concealment STR_mod * 2 rounds Undispelable,

70 DC VS dispel

PDK Stand PDK (level 1) Highlights alignments of enemies: Evil - Red, Good - Blue CHA_mod rounds Undispelable unlimited
PDK Inspire PDK (level 2) Inverts the alignment of chosen enemy. until next change 3
PDK Fear PDK (level 3) If Range touch attack is success target slow down 2 rounds Cooldown 10 rounds 2
PDK Rally PDK (level 1) +2 AB to self and allies 10 rounds Undispelable unlimited
PDK Wrath PDK (level 5) +Magic damage equal CHA_mod CHA_mod turns Undispelable 3
PDK Shield PDK (level 6) Damage reduction 20/+9. Can absorb 5 * PDK_lvl * CHA_mod damage.

Also provides 10/- elemental resistance. Can absorb

(5 * PDK_lvl * CHA_mod)/3 damage.

until next rest Undispelable 1
Shadow Daze Shadowdancer (level 1) Stuns the target if WILL saving throw is failed. DC = 10 + ShD_lvl + DEX_mod 5 rounds 1
Lay on hands Paladin (level 1) if target is ally and has <35% hitpoints heals the ally for the number of hitpoints

equal to the (paladin_lvl +cot_lvl)*2% of target's hitpoints. Also applies

damage immunity for all damage type equal to the (paladin_lvl +cot_lvl)*2%.

In all other cases it works by default.

Immunity duration = CHA_mod * 1.5 sec. Max 12 sec. Undispelable 1
Threatening cry Fighter/Barbarian/Dwarven Defender provokes monsters to attack the player who used this feat. Applies damage debuff

to hostile players equal to (fighter_lvl+barb_lvl+dd_lvl)/2 %

1 + (fighter_lvl+barb_lvl+dd_lvl)/10 rounds Threatening cry distance = 3 +

(fighter_lvl+barb_lvl+dd_lvl) * 0.3 meters

unlimited (KD 60 sec)