Skills: Difference between revisions

From Cormyrean Prophecies
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* Appraise (INT) - помогает купить дешевле и продать дороже. 
*Appraise (INT) - helps to buy cheaper and sell more expensive.
* Concentration (CON) - участвует в проверке против срыва каста при получения урона. Требуется для Autoquick, Autosilent и Epic спеллов. Контрскилл - Taunt. 
*Concentration (CON) -participates in the check against disruption of the cast when receiving damage. Additional concentration bonus = (Bard_lvl + Cleric_lvl + Druid_lvl + Sorcerer + Archmage_lvl + Harper Scout_lvl)/8. Required for Autoquicken spell, Autosilent spell and Epic spells. Counterskill - Taunt.
* Discipline (STR) - участвует в проверке против KnockDown, Disarm, Called Shot. 
*Discipline (STR) - participates in the check against KnockDown, Disarm, Called Shot.
* Heal (WIS) - добавляется как значение при использовании аптечки для лечения
*Heal (WIS) - added as a value when using a first aid kit to heal
* Hide (DEX) - используется, чтобы скрываться от врагов. Контрскилл - Spot. 
*Hide (DEX) - Used to hide from enemies. Counterskill - Spot.
* Intimidate (CHA) - влияет на эффективность при запугивании врагов, увеличивает DC для [[Barbarian Rage|Barabrian Rage]]. 
*Intimidate (CHA) - affects the effectiveness when intimidating enemies, increases DC for [[Barabrian Rage]].
* Listen (WIS) - успешный бросок обнаруживает крадущегося. Контрскилл - Move Silently. 
*Listen (WIS) - a successful roll detects a hiding enemies. Counterskill - Move Silently.
* Move Silently (DEX) - позволяет оставаться в хайде при передвижении. Контрскилл - Listen. 
*Move Silently (DEX) - Allows you to stay in hide while moving. Counterskill - Listen.
* Open Lock (DEX) - нужен для открывания дверей, максимальный DC 50. 
*Open Lock (DEX) - needed to open locked doors, maximum DC 50.
* Perform (CHA) - влияет на фиты [[Bard Song]] [[Curse Song|и Curse Song]]. При значении 110 усиливает спеллы: [[Диспел|Dispel]], Balagarn's Iron Horn и War Cry. 
*Perform (CHA) - Affects the [[Bard Song]] and [[Curse Song]] fits. With a value of 110, it enhances the spells: [[Dispel]], Balagarn's Iron Horn and War Cry.
* Persuade - позволяет качать класс [[Red dragon disciple|Red Dragon Disciple]], классовый для [[Bard]] и [[Harper scout|Harper Scout]], у остальных кроссклассовый. Необходимое значение 17. 
*Persuade (CHA) - allows you to recieve the [[Red dragon disciple|Red Dragon Disciple]] class, class for [[Bard]] and [[Harper scout|Harper Scout]], for the rest it is cross-class. Required value 17.
* Spot (WIS) - успешный бросок обнаруживает только что ушедшего в Hide. 
*Spot (WIS) - a successful roll reveals the one who has just gone to Hide. 
* Taunt (CHA) - при удачной проверке против скилла Concentration, цель получает штраф к AC равный разнице бросков и spell failure 30% на 5 раундов
*Taunt (CON) - with a successful check against the Concentration skill. Additional taunt bonus = (Bard_lvl + BG_lvl + Archmage_lvl + Harper Scout_lvl)/4, the target receives an AC penalty equal to the difference in throws and a spell failure of 10 + (Bard_lvl + Harper Scout_lvl + Archmage_lvl)/2% for 5 rounds
* Tumble - за каждые 5 базовых (без учета мода Ловкости и бонусов от предметов или спеллов) очков повышает AC персонажа на 1. Стал кроссклассовым для всех классов.
*Tumble (DEX) - for every 5 ranks in this skill (base ranks only, not including feat-, dexterity- or item-bonuses) the character's armor class is also improved by +1. Became cross-class for all classes.
* Use Magical Devices (CHA) - участвует в проверке для использования крафченных предметов (свитки, палки), позволяет одевать предметы без выполнения требований. Стал кроссклассовым для имеющих его классов.

== Отключены, либо бесполезны ==
==Сanceled or useless==
* Spellcraft убран. Требования по нему для взятия эпик спеллов и автоквиков перенесены на скилл Concentration.  
* Bluff - не используется.  
*Spellcraft removed. Autoquicken, autostill, epic spells etc. requirements has been replaced to the Concentration skill.
* Craft Armor - не используется.  
*Bluff - not used.
* Craft Trap - не используется.  
*Craft Armor - not used.
* Craft Weapon - не используется.  
*Craft Trap - not used.
* Disable Trap - не используется.  
*Craft Weapon - not used.
* Lore (INT) - не используется.  
*Disable Trap - not used.
* Parry - не используется.  
*Lore (INT) - not used.
* Pick Pocket - отключен.  
*Parry - not used.
* Ride - не используется.  
*Pick Pocket - disabled.
* Search - не используется.  
*Ride - not used.
* Set Trap - не используется.
*Search - not used.
*Set Trap - not used.
*Use Magical Device.

Latest revision as of 12:23, 26 December 2023

  • Appraise (INT) - helps to buy cheaper and sell more expensive.
  • Concentration (CON) -participates in the check against disruption of the cast when receiving damage. Additional concentration bonus = (Bard_lvl + Cleric_lvl + Druid_lvl + Sorcerer + Archmage_lvl + Harper Scout_lvl)/8. Required for Autoquicken spell, Autosilent spell and Epic spells. Counterskill - Taunt. . 
  • Discipline (STR) - participates in the check against KnockDown, Disarm, Called Shot.
  • Heal (WIS) - added as a value when using a first aid kit to heal. 
  • Hide (DEX) - Used to hide from enemies. Counterskill - Spot.
  • Intimidate (CHA) - affects the effectiveness when intimidating enemies, increases DC for Barabrian Rage.
  • Listen (WIS) - a successful roll detects a hiding enemies. Counterskill - Move Silently.
  • Move Silently (DEX) - Allows you to stay in hide while moving. Counterskill - Listen.
  • Open Lock (DEX) - needed to open locked doors, maximum DC 50.
  • Perform (CHA) - Affects the Bard Song and Curse Song fits. With a value of 110, it enhances the spells: Dispel, Balagarn's Iron Horn and War Cry.
  • Persuade (CHA) - allows you to recieve the Red Dragon Disciple class, class for Bard and Harper Scout, for the rest it is cross-class. Required value 17.
  • Spot (WIS) - a successful roll reveals the one who has just gone to Hide. 
  • Taunt (CON) - with a successful check against the Concentration skill. Additional taunt bonus = (Bard_lvl + BG_lvl + Archmage_lvl + Harper Scout_lvl)/4, the target receives an AC penalty equal to the difference in throws and a spell failure of 10 + (Bard_lvl + Harper Scout_lvl + Archmage_lvl)/2% for 5 rounds. 
  • Tumble (DEX) - for every 5 ranks in this skill (base ranks only, not including feat-, dexterity- or item-bonuses) the character's armor class is also improved by +1. Became cross-class for all classes.

Сanceled or useless[edit | edit source]

  • Spellcraft removed. Autoquicken, autostill, epic spells etc. requirements has been replaced to the Concentration skill.
  • Bluff - not used.
  • Craft Armor - not used.
  • Craft Trap - not used.
  • Craft Weapon - not used.
  • Disable Trap - not used.
  • Lore (INT) - not used.
  • Parry - not used.
  • Pick Pocket - disabled.
  • Ride - not used.
  • Search - not used.
  • Set Trap - not used.
  • Use Magical Device.