Other fixes

From Cormyrean Prophecies

Useful NPC

NPC Location How can help
Frog Unicorn Run Sync items in you inventory with pallet
Alignment switcher Unicorn Run Change you Alignment
Experience Burner Unicorn Run -1 or - 5 levels
Pagan The Storm Horns Dark Wind

Pass (35)

Remove all Epic Runes
Bow Master Shop The Storm Horns

Ogrillons 1 (20 22)

Main Cormyr Shop (Jert Waynolds) Suzail Port Potions, Healer Kits
Faction Shop Faction Castle Faction upgrades
Faction Banker Faction Castle Deposit, Digital payments
Magic Forge Faction Castle Melt Runes for some gold
Outpost Shop Faction Outpost Teleportation potions

Character leveling

  • To create a character for a warehouse with hast and +12 strength, you need to register Mule or mule in Diety. 
  • Experience system from easy to hard: higher level = less experience.
  • Starting at level 35, the bonus to experience gained from a fame is reduced by 20%.
lvl value
35 80%
36 60%
37 40%
38 20%
39 0%
40 0%

Death, Kill and Drop


  • 40 level doesn't lose EXP on death
  • Death in PVP - the lowest EXP lost
  • Death in Lesser or Epic Boss location - the lowest EXP lost (even 40 level)
  • Death from Faction member - middle EXP lost
  • Death in PVE - the highest EXP lost

Back to life

  • Gravestone (prey) - the lowest EXP regain
  • Raise Dead - middle EXP regain
  • Resurrection - the highest EXP regain


  • Victim >=35 level - you gain a Soul Stone
  • Victim level and your level difference <5 - you gain EXP


  • Victim <20 level - no item drop
  • Victim >=20 level - 1 equipted item drops with 20% chance, every item in inventory has 50% chance to drop
  • Victim >=20 level and died in PVE when hostile character in location - 1 equipted item drops with 20% chance, every item in inventory has 50% chance to drop
  • Potions, Healer kits, crafted wands, crafted scrolls are never drops
  • Victim killed by Guard - no item drop

Information useful for beginners

  • The Fame Shop is invoked by using a thing on your character that is given to everyone when they first enter Cormyr, called Player Wand.
  • Some feats have been reworked.
  • Characters with the Epic Dodge feat cannot use shields.
  • Characters with an Improved two weapon fighting feat receive +1 to Shield AC for every 10 character levels (except for the Monk class).
  • Certain alignment requirements for classes have been removed.
  • Any of the chaos shields lowers AC by 20 (-5 for each type). 
  • Respawn mini and epic bosses 30 minutes and 2.5 hours, respectively.
  • In order to create a test character, the character name must contain the word [test] (with square brackets, any case). After a character leaves the server, he is deleted.
  • Characters with neutral alignment cannot go beyond the starting location.